Thursday, January 6, 2011


Finally got to the gym!  And on a whim, bought a pass for 5 Zumba classes. 

B:  2 servings egg/sausage casserole; cinnamon roll
L:  hummus and crackers
D: chicken breast w/squash and tomatos
S:  2 no-pudge brownies, milk

30 minutes elliptical - 24 fast/6 walk
mile 1 - 9:45
mile 2 - 9:00


Wednesday, January 5, 2011


B:  cheerios; banana
S:  string cheese
L:  mac n cheese; hummus and crackers
D:  shrimp gumbo
S:  3 no-pudge brownies; ,.milk

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


B:  cheerios
S:  string cheese
L:  slice of pizza, garlic bread
D:  shrimp w/peppers
S:  2 no-pudge brownies, milk

Monday, January 3, 2011


Rough night - I was up with the little one from 2:45-6 a.m.  F-that.

B:  cheerios, banana
S:  chocolate chip cookie
L:  hummus and triscuits
D:  1/2 kashi pizza, beer
S:  2 squares dark chocolate

Exercise:  no way

Sunday, January 2, 2011


This one-one thing is going to be fun to say all year long!

Yesterday went well.  Today went well.  I haven't made it to the gym yet, but hope to start tomorrow.  Finding the time and working out child-care for the little one will make it a bit harder, but I can do it.  I can always go in the evening after she's in bed, if I have to.  The past few nights have been ROUGH though.  On New Year's Eve/Day, she woke up at 1:45 a.m.  And stayed up until 5 a.m.  More than 3 hours.  Finally went back to sleep - and was up for the day at 7.  Last night was 12-12:30, then up for the day at 5.  We've been dragging over here. 

I've spent YEARS trying to lose weight, thinking about losing weight, reading about losing weight.  I've never followed any particular "diet" plan, except for Weight Watchers.  I've always felt that, while there may be valid science behing Atkins or South Beach (but probably not Cabbage Soup) - I prefer to just eat less and move more.  I did give Weight Watchers a try, and followed their Core program.  I found it very helpful in changing how I looked at food.  Before WW, if I had 100 calories to eat, I could eat an apple or 2 Oreos.  Guess which I chose?  With the Core program - an apple would be "free," while Oreos would cost points.  I realized that food wasn't all just calories - some calories were better than others.  Unfortunately, I still didn't follow it...

I'm looking to learn more about food and nutrition.  I checked several books out of the library, I'll write about them as I read them.  But for now - it's SVU time.

B:  blueberry pancakes
L:  Lean Pocket
S:  string cheese
D:  chicken cacciatore - chicken, onions, peppers, tomato sauce
S:  dark chocolate

Exercise:  Nada


That's fun to say.  One one one one one. 

You won't believe this - I'm making a New Year's Resolution to lose weight!  How innovative!  The good news is, despite craptastic habits, I weigh the same as I did a year ago.  The bad news is:  I weigh the same as I did a year ago, which isn't a good number.  I'm about 5 pounds over my pre-pregnancy weight, and my pre-pregnancy weight was the highest I'd ever been.  eep!

Aside from losing weight, I really want need to create better habits to show my daughter.
I struggle with ingrained habits, and I want to do what I can to avoid her having the same issues.  I'm sure she'll have plenty of other reasons to hate me when she's older.

I may or may not record what I eat every day, and what I do for exercise.  I'm more interested in writing about my thoughts on food and stuff.  I hope I can keep it up for one full year - we shall see.

So the goals, as of now:
Goal 1:  Drink more water
To further that goal, I'm filling up 3 water bottles at night and putting them in the fridge.  Then I can just grab-and-go.  I have a Diet Coke every.single.morning, and I'm not about to give that up.  But then I have to have one bottle of water before I can have another one.  (Limiting DC is not on the agenda this year.)

Goal 2:  Exercise more days than not
To further this goal, I'm keeping a calendar and will record each day I workout.  Maybe I'll do it here, too.  So far, not so good - 0/2.

Goal 3:  Limit fast food
To further this goal, I plan to allow myself to eat it once each calendar month.  No monkeying around with "it's been 4 weeks" - straight up once in January, once in February, etc.  This includes anything with a drive-thru, but not Subway, Quiznos, Panera.

Those are the 3 stated goals.  I prefer to make goals based on behaviors, rather than outcomes.  The outcome I'm hoping for is to lose 45 pounds, hopefully at about 5 pounds per month.  For right now, I'm not counting calories.  I've done that in the past, and while I think it's a good tool, it is extremely time-consuming.  For now I'm going to focus on better habits, and see what happens.

Breakfast:  cheerios
Lunch:  Amy's Creamy Tomato Bisque, goldfish crackers, string cheese
Dinner:  Blueberry pancakes (made with whole wheat flour, fat-free cottage cheese, etc.)
Snack:  2 squares dark chocolate

Exercise:  nada