Saturday, April 17, 2010

Coming Clean

Today was not the best day.

It was the first weekend day. For several years, I've been in the habit of going to Einstein Bros. Bagels and getting a blueberry muffin for breakfast on the weekends. Today Client and I (and little one) headed out to do an errand. Client said, "are we stopping [at Einstein]," and I said no, with hesitation. We ran our errand, then I caved and had him stop.

I was feeling stressed - had some sort of bad news this morning. I felt deflated and just UGH. This is not a reason to have a muffin.

This afternoon we went to a birthday party. I had:
-3 glasses of wine
-a few potato chips
-tortilla chips and spinach dip
-tortilla chips and mexican dip
-broccoli and dip

And the cake was damn good. I'm full enough that I won't eat dinner, but definitely ate more than I needed to at the party. (following even more, worse news.) Didn't work out - due to time constraints and needing a rest day anyhow. I did walk to/from the party, probably a mile round-trip.

Hoping to gym tomorrow, but have several other things I need to accomplish as well - while I want to make the gym a priority, these other errands really can't wait either. I guess worst-case I'll gym in the evening.

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