Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Take that, Wendy's!

Starting a diet/exercise program last week turned out to be...well, not the best timing. There is a ton going on in my life right now, which is keeping me very busy and pretty stressed. Usually a great combination for bad habits.

I had today all planned out, then things changed and everything was different. Ended up leaving the house around lunchtime. Hadn't eaten lunch, and needed a Diet Coke. (I'm completely, totally, utterly addicted to FOUNTAIN Diet Coke.) So I hit the drive-thru at Wendy's. Here I was - lunch time, hadn't eaten, running around like a chicken with my head cut-off, trying to accomplish a million different things - in the drive-thru.

Those who know me, know where this is headed...


This is huge, folks. HUGE.

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