Monday, June 28, 2010

Just Call Me Speedy Gonzalez

C25K Week 2 - DONE

What I'm not liking about this plan is you do each workout 3 times, then move on. Just when I'm figuring out my milestones, it changes up on me. Oh well.

Ran on Saturday and Sunday. Did a 3 mile loop in 33-34 minutes. Which is pretty damn fast, for me. That's basically 11 minute miles, and half of that is walking. I'm still trying to figure that one out - my goal is to someday *run* 3 11-minute miles. How am I covering that distance now? I'm thinking I miscalculated something.

Anyhow, finished Week 2, wasn't too bad. Week 3 now, then we're on vacation next week. I'm going to try to do my 3 runs anyhow. Since I'm just following times (not distances) no reason I can't run even in a strange town. (and really, with all of the resources out there, I could easily map out distances.)

Tonight I *may* bike to the gym, lift, then bike home. It'd be about 8.5 miles roundtrip, which is doable. I'm only concerned about it getting dark. I'm by no means an experienced biker.

8.5 workouts done - more than 1/3 of the way to my itouch!

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